30th November 2021

Shadows of Baraddur P3D Staff: Update 2

Made by Loki in Crimezone

im not religious
538 posts
Seen 5th October 2024
2nd December 2021, 06:12 AM

it's little & rogue.

jk i have no idea what this is

+1 by Loki, -1 by Flynn

Living life in Survival
News Reporter
263 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
2nd December 2021, 06:24 PM

Rouge11 wrote on 1st December 2021, 11:46 AM:
The only moderators not mentioned yet are Killer, Wilf and Bakeitor.
I bet it’s Bakeitor because based on who’s after dying first and second, maybe there’s an internal war with the Spanish speaking users and this is his villain origin story. I’m gonna also predict that Danito’s next to die and then he’ll kill the rest of us because we know too much…
in fact bakeitor is from brazil

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