7th January 2022

CZ: January 5-7, 2022: Queen Melody

Made by Loki in News

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th January 2022, 11:32 PM

January 5, 2022
Doom came and spoke in NovaCave for a bit about Melody and Ancalagon. He said that Melody was to be coronated as Queen of the South on January 6th. He also announced that there was to be a dinner for the family and extended family of Pythas on the 7th at 7:07 PM EST. The rumor of Scatha, one of the Ice Drakes, plotting to try to assassinate Melody with vanquishing Ice Breath was also discussed. Doom also made an interesting proposition about capturing Melody to free her from Ancalagon. Everyone rejected the proposition as it was rather gruesome.

January 6, 2022
Melody was coronated as Queen of the South. Not much happened concerning that afaik and she announced that she would be hosting her first session as Queen the next day.

January 7, 2022
Glarthir came and discussed some war prophecies. I'm not certain what all it was about as I wasn't on for that and no one has said anything more about it.

Melody came at 5 EST and hosted her first session. She had all the ladies in the room come up and sit beside her on the chairs by the throne. And then she started naming the three ladies that were there to different positions. She said that I would remain as Lady of Wizlocks. She named Tasha as Lady of Decorations and said that she would teach her how to decorate rooms. Lastly, she named Rouge as Lady of Staff.

After that, Melody said she was going to host two warlord competitions so that she could have both a woman warlord and a male warlord. She decided to host the women's warlord competition first but Tasha and Rouge both dropped out before anything could begin and so Melody named Loki as warlord.

People tried to keep Melody from going outside as they were afraid that one of the dragons was going to try to vanquish her but the Queen went outside of thrones anyway to speak with Gostir, one of her Ice Drake Guards. Gostir had been watching the door to thrones for most, if not all, of the session and had seen nothing.

Gamer and Melody also argued for awhile and they ended up yelling at each other as they are a very dramatic family. In the end, Gamer convinced Melody to leave Ancalagon as Melody admitted that she would rather side with blood than fire. And so Melody may now be in great peril as Ancalagon will not be happy with her betrayal.

Gostir stuck around for a little while after Melody left. Satele spoke to him about Melody leaving Ancalagon and at first he didn't believe it. He was eventually convinced that Melody had switched sides when I informed him it was true. He trusted me as I am also a creation of Melody's. Ice Drakes and Vultures are very close due to this common bond. Gostir decided that he would remain loyal to Melody and stand against Ancalagon with her. He also showed his might as an Ice Drake when Ayancito challenged him to a battle. Gostir struck down the master assassin with his Ice Breath.

+1 by SecurityGuy, bashysmelly, Varai, Damen and 5 others

5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
8th January 2022, 04:45 AM

Good report, well done for including pictures

+1 by Loki, Gamer, Zes and Sled

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