16th January 2022

true story

Made by Narcissa in The Lounge

im not religious
538 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
16th January 2022, 03:10 AM

i use scented sticks as bookmarks so that when i return the book to the library, the librarians will thank me and elon musk will give me an award that the president will acknowledge and he will resign just so i could take his place and rule the planet, if not the entire universe where aliens do exist but don't because i wouldn't want the public to know because they make super ultra scented sticks that make you instantly rich and famous and superior and god like and so i will admit im greedy and the whole world population will appreciate my honesty and feed my big red dog named ego.

+1 by Flame, and SecurityGuy

2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
16th January 2022, 04:13 AM

How does this affect LeBron James's legacy?

+1 by and SecurityGuy

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