30th January 2022

Administrator application - Little

Made by Varai in Applications

2,484 posts
Seen 30th July 2023
30th January 2022, 10:03 AM

Before you read this application, make sure to read Loki’s, Danito’s and Raymond’s applications. They are amazing! (Read Major’s too once he posts his)

It’s an honor to be considered a candidate, and an even bigger honor to be a candidate amongst my four friends. Every single one of them has a reason to be a good administrator and I am proud of them. ♡

Experience/Ranks: Moderator on all DSGHQ platforms, Empress, Lady of Bank, Modmin on Ioldcp, Knight

Language: Spanish and english

I have been in this community off and on since 2011, it is amazing how much you can learn from friends that come and go. Zes, Terry, and Chelsey have inspired me to become an admin. They all have helped “train me” in the past before they have quit because they believed in me becoming an administrator. They have given me tips, given scenarios on what an admin would do in a situation. At times, I would even give my input for an admin’s decision when they come to me because they do not know what to do. With that, I hope you see something in me just like they have.

What I have learned is that being an administrator is not all cool, fun and easy. It comes with a lot of negativity from the users and responsibility in keeping the moderator, ranked users snd game in check. Decisions an administrator makes may come with a handful of disagreeing users and harsh words, you need a strong mindset to deal with negativity.

As you may know, I am currently a moderator on P3D and it has been a blast. From hosting a fashion show with Rouge to helping Zre5 host a comedy show in his own igloo among many other spanish users. I do plan on hosting events like wrath tournaments, fashion shows, igloo contests. It is never a normal day on p3d especially with the creative minds of the spanish users. I may not be perfectly fluent in spanish as I should be, but I do not let that stop me from interacting and helping the spanish userbase. If they ever need help but it is an admin request, I translate and send them to an admin’s way. When there is a new staff member who has no experience of being a moderaTor, I tend to train them and help them giving advice of the role.

As Lady of the bank, I have now started a time requirement for staff members in order to be paid every month. Soon I plan to open loans and hire bankers to help assist Daya and I. Possibly hire people to mine ores to sell. (Shoutout to Falcon for starting that business)

I do my best in being unbiased when it comes to making decisions. I tend to not favor a friend of mine versus someone who I am not friends with. I listen to both stories before making a decision as I mentally put myself in the shoes of both people. Even through crime zone when a crime zone actor breaks a law/rule they still will get punished as I see fit.

I have been in the top three POTM podium the past few months, it is safe to say I am a fairly active member of P3D, through crime zone and being online.

Being an administrator or even a moderator, it is more than just doing a few commands and calling it a day. It is about taking initiative and caring for the user base. Making sure users are helped and feeling welcomed to be there without feeling ignored. Bonding with the users and putting smiles on their faces by going out of my own way to do something nice for them is just a heartwarming feeling that no rank can give. Just pure kindness as payment.
Thank you for reading :)

+1 by turquito10, Flame, Dice, BingBingBangMLGPenguin and 15 others

684 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
30th January 2022, 10:06 AM

Good luck

+1 by Dice, Varai and Flynn

CEO of Lorefiix
2,037 posts
Seen 17th November 2024
30th January 2022, 10:32 AM


+1 by Varai and Flynn

Lol and fart

118 posts
Seen 2nd June 2023
30th January 2022, 10:37 AM

So proud, well done and good luck!! ?

+1 by Varai, Flynn, and Zes


97 posts
Seen 30th January 2025
30th January 2022, 10:47 AM

good luck

+1 by Varai and Flynn

1,172 posts
Seen 10th August 2023
30th January 2022, 10:58 AM

Great application, I liked how you included alot more on how you would be able to change the game as an administrator, but also not to mention your time on the game is phenomenal. Even now, you're still #1 on the POTM leaderboard. A few flaws I saw with this though, is you kept mentioning how you're kind of a 2nd hand to everything, for example, being taught things by Zes, Chelsey, etc, but what have you learned yourself about being an Administrator? Besides the others who have taught you things about being one, what have you concluded from your time as a Moderator, viewed about the other administrators in the game, what have they taught you about it? I didn't say you shouldn't take what you learned from them and apply it to the game, but how will that help you with an entire other community of Spanish users? Everyone on that list besides Terry, who only was around for a short while, had no experience on P3D as an administrator in general, only on OldCP. YOU yourself have a ton of experience dealing with these users, which has nothing to do with what they taught you themselves. You also mentioned about past events you've done with fellow administrators, which is great, but have you ever done any events by yourself to show you can contribute more to the community? I think you also missed a big opportunity to include your history as LOTB, which is basically an Administrators job as well. My point being, I feel some of the first half of this application is focused on what others contributed to you rather than what you contributed yourself, which you should've touched more upon. Some good things though, is of course you're bilingual, but so are 3 other candidates, so how are you different from them? (which has been a question i've been asking to each applicant directly) You also have alot of rank experience which is good, with Moderator on OldCP, and I believe Modmin on iOldcp, with a few more things sprinkled in there. Some more good parts are at the end, where you explain how you've been in the top 3 POTM for the past 3 months, which I think is excellent, which I mentioned at the beginning, and also the fact that you're able to differentiate some things you had as moderator from an Administrators job, as being an Administrator on the game for a few months, it's definitely more than a few commands, you have to enforce laws better than the moderators, and be an example to the userbase, which you touched on greatly as well. Overall, a great application, and I think you really have a great chance of winning this.

+1 by Varai, Flynn and

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
30th January 2022, 11:20 AM

Very nice app Little! Good luck!! I think you would be a great admin!

+1 by Varai and Flynn

Off the deep end
515 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
30th January 2022, 11:42 AM

Good luck to you for admin and I am rooting for you! I think you're the most deserving of it because I am rooting for you to do the impossible and fix the mess you're in.

Hello @free4allnope and @jdilliget. May we start a little debate on how admin feels about taking bribes? And how we can convince admin to take a bribe? If I thought you would accept it?

@Marva I think it will be a long time before the map is used for a ladder match. We have to really think this through before we make any rash decisions.

Is there a poll?

Hello @free4allnope and @jdilliget. May we start a little debate on how admin feels about taking bribes? And how we can convince admin to take a bribe? If I thought you would accept it?



Edit: Funny part of this is that LiquidTechy posted the link as well, but I guess he doesn't have to pay zerglings or mutalisks to the dog.Edit: Funny part of this is that LiquidTechy posted the link as well, but I guess he doesn't have to pay zergl

+1 by Varai and Loki
On strike

Living life in Survival
News Reporter
263 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
30th January 2022, 11:53 AM

Little, i think you would be a great admin like most of your partners, you are nice and sweet with players trying to help and understand when they have a problem and also help other unexp moderators, good luck with the Admin Application!

+1 by Varai

586 posts
Seen 24th October 2021
30th January 2022, 11:58 AM

flameknight333 wrote on 30th January 2022, 11:42 AM:
Good luck to you for admin and I am rooting for you! I think you're the most deserving of it because I am rooting for you to do the impossible and fix the mess you're in.
Hello @free4allnope and @jdilliget. May we start a little debate on how admin feels about taking bribes? And how we can convince admin to take a bribe? If I thought you would accept it?
@Marva I think it will be a long time before the map is used for a ladder match. We have to really think this through before we make any rash decisions.
Is there a poll?
Hello @free4allnope and @jdilliget. May we start a little debate on how admin feels about taking bribes? And how we can convince admin to take a bribe? If I thought you would accept it?
Edit: Funny part of this is that LiquidTechy posted the link as well, but I guess he doesn't have to pay zerglings or mutalisks to the dog.Edit: Funny part of this is that LiquidTechy posted the link as well, but I guess he doesn't have to pay zergl

wats goin on here bro

+1 by Loki

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