27th March 2022

CZ: March 23-26: A Hostage is Taken!

Made by Loki in News

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
27th March 2022, 12:43 AM

March 23, 2022
Nook came on and rebirthed Abaddon. Abaddon is now Adam. I don't know if anything else significant happened when Nook was on.

March 25, 2022
SeaWord came on and wanted to know the results of the Axel Island war but killed by Miro in Ered Gorgor. Then it started raining and Osse came and tried to kill Miro.

March 26, 2022
Ancalagon came to the South and claimed it to still be his since Damen wants to implement a plan for eliminating inactive land rulers. Ancalagon said the south would be his forever and then placed a bounty on Satele and Revan. He said whoever kills one of those two first can rule the South under him.

Then Ancalagon went on to say that he intends to get revenge on the traitors to Fire Nation. Below is a basic summary of the conversation that led up to the hostage being taken.
Ancalagon: The next move is against our traitors. Our disloyal bird allies, who have sided with the forest. Himring will BURN.
Loki: You're an Ancalagoner if you burn Himring.
Ancalagon: What significance is Himring to you?
Loki: I happen to be the Princess of it! and I already regret saying that....
Ancalagon: Prisoners are powerful tools.
Loki: You have to catch one first! :P (Runs away)
Ancalagon: Catching is my specialty.
Then Ancalagon breathed fire on everyone for a few moments and Loki was suddenly in the Ered Gorgor Jail as the hostage that Glarthir and Nook were prophecising about.
Ancalagon: She will NOT be released... UNTIL HIMRING SURRENDERS TO ME. I declare war on that fortress.

So Ancalagon sent Loki a mail, giving her three days to surrender Himring and her birthright to the throne of Vulture Kingdom to him or else Himring will burn and he will kill Mahannon (MotherVulture). Though he later contemplated sparing the life of Mahannon, contingent upon Loki submitting to Fire Nation as Ancalagon plans to burn Himring.

Then Falkhon aka Drogoth the Traitor Nazgul came to the jail and said "Time for Torture." Loki begged him not to hurt her and he then dipped and various bots spawned, starting with DragonDefenders. The bots all got killed and Falkhon returned. Falkhon was immediately jumped by Eiven and Kace and was killed. Then BalrogDooms spawned and some bots that looked like Falkhon. Then some kind of really OP balrog spawned with a huge fire aura about him. While that balrog was on, Loki got chased around in her cell by a burning ball of fire as part of the torture. It left after Loki screamed at it.

After all the bot spawns stopped, Ancalagon came to Beleriand. He tried to get Turq to attack him before the proper time. Turq declined the fight, Ancalagon was unimpressed and called him a wuss. He said that he accepts Turq's refusal to fight as a surrender and then he flew away.

As far as I know, that ended the crimezone for today.

If you enjoyed this report, please come and visit me in my cell! I'll be there all week! (probably) And bring food... The food in here is garbage... You know they only fed Melody fish heads... ;-;

+1 by Varai, Pic, Jesse, Damen and 6 others

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
27th March 2022, 12:52 AM

no one go visit her let her suffer #downwithloki

+1 by Loki and Tasha

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