6th April 2022

Edge of Night: Episode 11

Made by Loki in Shows

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th April 2022, 12:22 AM

In GNZ, Manwe has gone to find his servant and best friend, Eonwe. He finds Eonwe practicing his swordsmanship with Varda's handmaiden, Ilmare.

Manwe: Eonwe, may I speak with you?
Eonwe: Yes, my lord.
Eonwe (to Ilmare): I guess this concludes our practice for today.
Eonwe approaches Manwe.
Manwe: Have you ever thought about getting married?
Eonwe: Sir, if this is about marrying Ilmare its not going to happen. She's too tied to her work.
Manwe: This isn't about Ilmare. Just in general, have you ever thought about getting married?
Eonwe: Sometimes... Though women are few and far this far out in the cosmos.
Manwe: I've noticed... Have you ever met my daughter?
Eonwe: I haven't seen her in much time. I think since before you hid her on Arda.
Manwe: Its time you meet again.
Eonwe: Is she here?
Manwe: She returned a few days ago. Come and have supper with us tonight, you two can catch up.
Eonwe: I would be honored.
Manwe: But first I must make a request of you.
Eonwe: What is it?
Manwe: Would you dye your hair black and consider wearing eyeliner?
Eonwe gives Manwe a strange look.
Eonwe: I would prefer not to.
Manwe: Its an order then.
Eonwe: Where am I supposed to get hair dye and make up out here?
Manwe hands Eonwe a package. Its some hair products and makeup that he swiped from his wife.
Manwe: I'm sure Ilmare will help you out.
Eonwe: But sir!
Manwe: I'll see you tonight at 8 o'clock sharp!
Manwe walks away like a badass. Eonwe stares at him in disbelief.

Little and her mother are on a balcony, looking out at the stars.

Varda: Someday, all these will be yours to take care of.
Little: There are so many... how do you do it?
Varda: I have a lot of help. I raise them from their infancy. Its like they're all my children. See that over there?
Varda points into the distance at a blue star.
Little: Yes, its very small.
Varda: That one is a new star, just beginning to form. It has the potential to become a very great and long lived star. But it also has the potential to grow too big too fast and burn out quickly.
Little: So how do you get it to grow properly?
Varda: With a lot of care and nurturing.
Little: It must be hard to work with flames so great.
Varda: It can be very trying at times. Would you like to raise that star?
Little looks nervous at this prospect. The most she ever helped raise from infancy were trees in the forest.
Little: I... I don't know how...
Varda: I would help you of course. It takes time to learn how to raise a star, I don't expect you to be an expert right away.
Little: I accept... I will name it.... Raindrop.

On the secret island, Amir is just about ready to pull the arrow out of Loki's shoulder blade. Pic is standing by with the bandages that she made out of Loki's favorite dress. Lord Law is comforting Tasha who can't bare to watch the situation unfold.

Amir: Are you ready with those bandages Pic?
Pic: Yes, of course.
Pic shows Amir the bandages, he recognizes it as Loki's favorite dress and briefly glares at Pic.
Pic: You didn't specify whose clothes they had to be made from.
Amir: Alright then. We're ready. Sorry, my sour grapefruit, this is going to hurt.
Amir places one hand on the shaft of the arrow and the other near the point of entry. Loki groans in pain as he starts to pull the arrow out. The arrow starts to move but then part of it snaps off.
Amir: Uh oh...
Loki: Uh oh what? What!?
Amir shows Loki the broken off arrow.
Loki: Crikey...
Tasha: What happened dad? Tell me!
Amir: The arrow broke off in the wound... and she appears to have fainted.
Tasha chokes back a sob and turns to Lord Law, who comforts her. Amir goes into commander mode.
Amir: Lord Law, Tasha, ready the plane for takeoff, we're going to need to fly out of here to Baraddur asap. Got it?
Lord Law: Yes.
Amir: What are you waiting for? Go!
Lord Law: Of course. Lets go, Tasha.
Lord Law and Tasha take off to get the plane ready to go.
Amir: Pic, give me the bandages. I'm going to use them as a compress until we get to Baraddur.
Pic hands him the bandages
Amir: Then, get Loki's stuff. She won't be coming back here for awhile.
Pic: Gee, you sure are bossy today!
Amir: Just do it. Will you be fine here on your own?
Pic: You can't just leave me here! I'm coming with!
Amir: You're not. Its already risky enough just bringing Loki back.
Pic: Then why don't you just have a doctor fly out here?
Amir: There isn't enough time for that. A round trip would take too long.
Pic: I'm going with and that's that! Loki is my bestie!
Amir: Whatever. Come with. But if you're seen and get yourself thrown back in jail, I'm not coming to break you out. Nor will I allow Tasha to help you either.
Pic: Got it.
Amir: AND, if you get my wife thrown back in jail, you will regret the day you were born.
Pic: I won't get caught! I'm not stupid!
Amir: You didn't even make for a successful getaway driver.
Pic: It would have been successful if-
Amir: We don't have time for this. Just get the stuff and hurry.
Pic: Okok!
Amir: And bring the prisoner with you, I'll deal with him in Baraddur.
Pic: And what are you going to be doing, mister high and mighty?
Amir (exasperated): Keeping my wife from dying. Now GO!

Dice is on his way down to the jail, bringing his imported worms from Dorval that he had almost lost in that fight with Ayancito. On his way into the jail, he sees Damen, Major, and Eiven on their way out. He quickly tries to hide the worms behind his back.

Dice (purring): Hi guys!
Eiven: Hey there good lookin!
Damen: What do you have behind your back? Is it a gun? Is this an assassination?
Dice (owo): Its nothing... really.
Damen: Stand in front of me son.
Damen moves behind Major, using him as a human shield.
Major: Dad, Dice wouldn't try to assassinate you.
Dice: Do I look like Ayancito to you? I'm definitely not a master assassin.
Eiven: The hottie is right, sir. If he wanted to kill you, he'd invite you on a plane ride. He's caused a great number of crashes.
Damen: Then what is he holding behind his back?
Major: Maybe its a camera and we're going to be in the news paper!
Dice: Ok, look. Its just a package of worms.
Dice shows them the imported worms.
Eiven (fearful): Ew! Get them away from me!
Eiven tries to jump into Damen's arms out of fear but falls onto the ground. Damen looks at the package closer, still holding Major in front of him.
Damen: Hmm... Carry on. But next time, buy your worms from the South.
Major (sad): I wanted to be in the news paper...
Damen: And write an article about my son!
Dice: Meow. Of course sir.

+1 by Varai, Pic, , Dice and 4 others

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th April 2022, 07:16 AM


+1 by Loki, DaN and bake, -1 by Flynn

Living life in Survival
News Reporter
263 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
7th April 2022, 04:57 PM

Dice wrote on 6th April 2022, 07:16 AM:
Oh No

97 posts
Seen 30th January 2025
25th April 2022, 09:50 AM

Dice wrote on 6th April 2022, 07:16 AM:


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