19th April 2022

Edge of Night: Episode 13

Made by Loki in Shows

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th April 2022, 11:47 PM

In GNZ, Zes is finally serving the meal after Manwe and Varda caught him sleeping on the job. Once again, the meal is pizza pops "extra crispy."

Varda: I'm sorry about the meal Eonwe, Zes is rather new at cooking.
Manwe: I'd get him a cookbook but I'm not sure that he knows how to read.
Zes: I know how to read!
Manwe: Shut up, you're our servant.
Eonwe: That's okay. I heard about the poor food quality and guess what I brought.
Eonwe reaches into a bag that no one noticed that he brought. He pulls out several mini-pizzas, they're all still hot!
Little: Oh my gosh. Is that pizza? Real pizza?
Eonwe: It most certainly is! I made them myself. What kind does everyone want?
Manwe: Ladies first.
Little: Do you have pineapple?
Eonwe: Surprisingly, yes.
Varda: I'd like the pepperoni.
Zes: Yo, I'll take the supreme. Because I'm supreme!
Manwe: You wish. The only thing you're supreme at is burning pizza pops. I will take the supreme pizza.
Eonwe: Gentlemen, there are enough supreme pizzas to go around.
Zes: Ha!
Manwe glares at Zes. Tension can be felt on the air.
Varda (breaking the tension): Little has some exciting news to share!
Little: Yes! I am going to be a mother!
Manwe: Zes had better not be the father!
Zes: You're pregnant?
Little: No and NO! I'm going to be the mother of a star! That cute little blue one a couple parsecs away. I've named it Raindrop.
Manwe: What a relief. Varda, why didn't you tell me you were going to teach Little how to raise stars?
Varda: I thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone. I wasn't sure if Little would want to follow in my footsteps anyway...
Little: Of course I want to mom! My only connection to you on Arda was that at least we could look upon the same stars.
Eonwe (sniffling a little): That's so beautiful... Sorry, I'm not usually so emotional...
Little: Careful, your makeup is going to start running.

On the airplane, the island of Das is coming in sight. Everyone is relieved to see it.

Amir: Tasha, come back here and sit with your mother for a little bit. I'm going to radio ahead for an emergency landing just outside the gates.
Tasha: Ok.
Tasha goes to the back of the plane, Amir goes to the front.

Amir (on the radio with Air Traffic Control): Cessna Delta Alpha Sierra Niner Six Six Six to ATC.
ATC: Whats up Cessna?
Amir: Requesting emergency landing on the sand just outside the gates.
ATC: What is the emergency?
Amir: We have a wounded passenger on board.
ATC: You are cleared for landing.
Amir: Have someone inform Silence that we're going to need him.
ATC: Roger that.
Pic: Hey, Amir?
Amir: Yeah?
Pic: Does Loki find it romantic when you start with your serious pilot talk?
Amir: Do you find it romantic when Orlock starts talking like a pirate?
Pic: Kind- NO! I will push you down a hill!
Amir: Try it and I'll push you into the volcano.
Lord Law: Sounds like I hear a lawsuit brewing.
Pic: I hope you have more lawsuits than actual suits. I've only ever seen you wear the same one.
Lord Law: I'm a humble lawyer, I do not need many suits.

Tasha: So... How's it going?
Loki (tiredly): How does it look like its going?
Tasha (tearing up): Sorry... I'm just scared.
Loki: Don't be, it takes more than an arrow to kill a vulture of my lineage.
Tasha (sniffles): I wouldn't know...
Loki: If you start crying I will throw you out a window.
Amir returns to the back of the plane.
Amir: We're cleared for landing, better go back to your seat and buckle up.
Tasha wipes a couple tears away and goes back to her seat.

Somewhere on Arda, Pythas has entered into a Goblin Bar. He is in a rather sad mood as Melody has gotten mad at him once again.

Miro: What can I do for you sir?
Pythas: I need a drink. Surprise me.
Miro mixes a drink for Pythas. It is green in color.
Pythas: This looks... gross.
Miro: Its our special drink. They want to replicate it in the south, but we aren't going to sell our secret to those swines.
Pythas: Hey! Don't talk that way about the South, my wife used to live there when she was young and hot.
Miro: Did she kick you out again?
Pythas: Yeah... Its the anniversary of when I found that baby floating through Pyramidon. She thought I was cheating on her.
Miro: Hm... Well did you ever think of-
Pythas: I still miss that baby. I wonder what happened to it. I was going to raise her as though she were my daughter. I don't have any daughters you know.
Miro: Well, that's a shame. The whole goblin race are like my children.
Pythas: Whatever. You know, Loki and Amir have a daughter. Their daughter is the same age the girl I found would be right about now... They weren't even married when this one was born...
Miro: You had kids with women you weren't married to.
Pythas: Wait a second... They adopted their daughter. Smelly goblin man, do you think maybe their daughter is the same girl I found all those years ago?

Back in the South, Damen is in his throne room talking to Ayancito, the master assassin.

Damen: Ayancito, you have failed in the task which I have hired you for.
Ayancito: I'm sorry sir.
Damen: You are lucky I do not have you executed for the death of that innocent!
Ayancito: It won't happen again!
Damen: That's right, it won't happen again. You know how I know?
Ayancito: N-no sir.
Damen: Because you're fired. You're going to jail yourself.
Ayancito: Please, do not send me back to jail.
A black shadow passes through the room. It briefly sounded like whispering.
Ayancito: It would be a bad decision to arrest me.
Damen: And just why is that?
Ayancito: Because I will expose you for hiring me in the first place if you do.
Damen becomes nervous.
Damen: No one will take your word for it! You have no proof!
Ayancito: I would not bet on that, your majesty.
Ayancito leaves the room. The guards make to grab him but Damen waves them off.

+1 by Tasha, Pic, Varai, Miromeski and 3 others

what’re you lookin at
249 posts
Seen 17th July 2024
19th April 2022, 11:51 PM

ooo exciting!!

+1 by Loki and Varai

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
19th April 2022, 11:54 PM


+1 by Loki, Varai, Fable, kace and 1 other

97 posts
Seen 30th January 2025
25th April 2022, 09:53 AM

ok is nice


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