3rd May 2022

Hi I am Icicle

Made by Icicle in Introductions and Leaving

161 posts
Seen 2nd May 2023
3rd May 2022, 01:48 AM

Hi I am Icicle on Penguin3D. Today I joined and met a guy called Isaiah. He was nice and gave me stuff to make me strong and gave me money. I am a cold traveler so I bought a parka. He taught me about the game. I tried to save the puppies in the cave but the valve does not turn. :( I will save them soon. Their mom is worried.

I like cold weather and icicles. I think they are pretty. That is why I named myself Icicle. That is my about me.

+1 by Varai, teig, Flynn, Loki and 7 others

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
4th May 2022, 01:56 PM

Hello there Icicle

+1 by Laka, -1 by kingvaugn27

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