1st June 2022

Penguin3D Content Rules

Made by Damen in Penguin3D

5,165 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
1st June 2022, 03:52 PM

Rules are subject to change

Lately we have new content makers for P3D. Here are the rules that they will follow:

- All content- weapons, items, armor, rooms and decorations need to firstly be approved by Damen or Eiven by giving a brief description of them before adding UNLESS

-> It is a standard addition (such as a humble decoration, piece of clothing for the whole game or regular damage weapon for use by anyone in-game)
-> It is a standard piece of content that fits with the theme of the game

- Examples of content that needs approving include:

-> Higher damage weapons / higher protective armor
-> Lore related objects
-> Items made on request by another player
-> Bizarre items, such as very customised weapons or armor will require a lore reason for being used (approval needed)

This is to prevent bloat in-game where too much custom content dulls the sense of novelty which is important

+1 by EpicAnimatorGuy, Loki, Mercer, Miromeski and 14 others

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