18th January 2023, 05:22 PM
If I were aligator I would eat I would go chomp chomp and everything would be eaten and maybe I eat a person if they are mean I would give rides for nice people. I would become a cool aligator and wear clothes and I would be world famos and wear a hat and sunglasses and I wear a hawaii shirt and play cards.
Credits to @Icicle for the creativity, those who didn't value this masterpiece should be utterly and completely ashamed of themselves each and every one of you. This kid has dreams of becoming a "aligator" but you all sure put a stop to it. I'm proud of him and I hope, he goes onto becoming a aligator. And shows you haters wrong in the process.
+1 by EpicAnimatorGuy, BasedBag, turquito10 and Loki, -1 by Brit
The original post link: https://forums.damenspike.com/discussion/63933
Make sure to like and show your support.
Credits to @Icicle for the creativity, those who didn't value this masterpiece should be utterly and completely ashamed of themselves each and every one of you. This kid has dreams of becoming a "aligator" but you all sure put a stop to it. I'm proud of him and I hope, he goes onto becoming a aligator. And shows you haters wrong in the process.
+1 by EpicAnimatorGuy, BasedBag, turquito10 and Loki, -1 by Brit
harry15514 wrote on 17th July 2022, 10:45 AM:
You have a very creative mind.
Icicle wrote on 20th July 2022, 12:54 AM:
thank you I think of how I be if I were animal
The original post link: https://forums.damenspike.com/discussion/63933
Make sure to like and show your support.
Quran Surah An-Nahl, (The Bee)16:96:
What is with you must vanish and what is with Allah will remain forever. And those who have shown patience, We will certainly reward the best of what they have done.