Queen of Vultures

1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th March 2023, 07:21 PM

Pecky is a young vulture orphan. Her parents died valiantly fighting balrogs that were in the service of Ancalagon. Pecky is too young to remember the Fire Nation war, she was just a fledgling when Ancalagon was vanquished. I have since taken her under my wing as though she were my own daughter (I miss you Raven, wherever you are. Please come home.).
Pecky is very sweet. Some of her hobbies include pecking people, playing hide and go seek, hunting for treasure, and fighting her reflection in the mirror. She is very smart and has a natural talent for healing. Currently Pecky aspires to become a surgeon. She says that she will just eat organs that she removes from people.
Pecky has a good sense of direction. While I have lost her several times, she has always managed to find her way home. She is a slow flier but that is common for a vulture so young.
If you see Pecky flying around Beleriand, feel free to toss her some food or even a nice stuffed animal. She likes to keep Pythas toys and teddy bears in her nest. She does not like stuffed patos. If you give her a stuffed pato she will peck the stuffing out of it and then try to peck your eyes and hair out. She has become very good at pecking hair out of forest people and anyone she attacks will have all the hairs ripped out of their head.