30th September 2013

i don't understand this AT ALL

Made by Notacoolman in Help and Support

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
30th September 2013, 04:08 PM

hi everybody! i was wondering if you can tell me EXACTLY how to change your pic. i know that it says "to change your pic enter a valid URL of the pic". i don't know what that means. i'm still wondering why i'm so dumb,so i was wondering if you guys can tell me EXACTLY how to change my pic in a more SIMPLE way.(if there even is a more simple way to explain it than that) if you guys,don't know another way to explain it is ok.i think eventually i will be able to do it. have a great day and i'll see you guys on oldcp! until then...waddle on ;)

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