31st July 2023

Haunted Mansion Moist Meter (Spoilers)

Made by Ari in The Lounge

Former MOD
416 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st July 2023, 10:00 AM

If there ever was a film that could scare the popcorn out of your bowl only to have you retrieve it with laughter, "Haunted Mansion" is it. Our intrepid heroes for the night, an utterly average suburban couple, believe they've hit the real estate jackpot when they inherit a towering, Gothic mansion from a long-lost aunt. Little do they know, their bargain isn't quite what it appears.

From the moment they step foot into their new crib, we, the audience, are thrust into a non-stop ride of slapstick horror comedy. The film is the lovechild of "Beetlejuice" and "Home Alone", with a sprinkling of "Scooby-Doo" for good measure.

The cast of ghostly misfits includes a Victorian damsel who is perpetually on the edge of a melodramatic swoon, a gruff pirate with a penchant for botched swashbuckling, and a 1920s flapper who just can't quit the Charleston. They bring the house, quite literally, to life.

The scriptwriters also deserve a standing ovation for their witty dialogue. Not only does the film boast some genuinely hilarious one-liners, but the puns come thick and fast - or should that be "thick and ghost"? Regardless, you might find yourself laughing at lines like, "We've got spirits, yes we do! We've got spirits, how 'bout you?"

Director, James Capers, takes full advantage of the mansion's twisted corridors and hidden rooms, crafting an atmospheric setting that's both comically eerie and enchantingly whimsical. His imaginative use of visual comedy, paired with the film's exceptional CGI, gives us a haunted house that rivals Disneyland's iconic attraction for sheer fun and spectacle.

The only real scare here is the prospect of laughing yourself into an early grave. "Haunted Mansion" is a romp of a horror-comedy, a goofy ghoul-filled gambol through the hilariously bizarre. Yes, it's silly, yes, it's over the top, but that's all part of its ectoplasmic charm.

If you're looking for a frightfully funny film that balances goosebumps with giggles, then "Haunted Mansion" should be on your must-watch list. Just be prepared for a side of belly laughs with your bumps in the night. You'll leave the cinema wondering if it's possible to die of laughter. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Rating: 4/5 Spectral Chuckles on the moist meter.

+1 by Jesse
Best Regards,

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