31st August 2023

End of an Era ~ Narcissa

Made by Narcissa in The Lounge

im not religious
538 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st August 2023, 12:40 PM

I was debating whether or not to go through with this post or not, but here I am, clearly.

I joined OldCP as this little 9 year old girl who just wanted the full Club Penguin experience without having to pay any money. Little did I know I would find myself involved in the community a DECADE later. I had been through tons of ups and downs within my 10 years here and I guess the closing of the community is the right occasion to tell you the experience I had.

You wouldn’t remember me as a popular moderator or a significant CrimeZone character. Everyone knew me by my alias “Narcissa”. Or as Damen would pronounce it: “Narkissa”. I was most known for being one of the few Draconian girls. I was first introduced to 'evil CZ' by SG while Dracs were still known as siths. As time went on, I created bonds with a lot of the other so-called 'evil' users. One of my favorite friendships that came out of that was with SG. The Drac Era is probably the only era I’ll get into. I was super active between the years 2017 and 2020.

The Drac Era was my downfall. Yes, I was involved in the lore of OldCP, but I made decisions that led to me learning big lessons. I wish I wasn't so eager to satisfy people. One scenario ended up with me losing a lot of my friends because I decided to listen to a certain someone and cuss all of them out. I felt awful afterwards and even though they (probably, I hope) forgave me, I felt guilty weeks after it happened. But it made me value my friends more.

I don't remember why I came across DSGHQ but I don't regret it. Back then I felt so involved and because of all the friendships I made, I felt heard when I needed to come to these people for advice with my life problems. Now it just makes me feel nostalgic. I grew up with this community. Every interaction I had has an impact on me, whether it's good or bad. Yes, the community was toxic, but it didn't really matter because I considered this community my second family. This community will always play a significant part in my life as I learned so many lessons that I will apply into my everyday life. One thing that I learned was confidence. If you put StoryB, Narcissa and myself side by side, they would be three completely different people. I'm glad you guys gave me a chance to grow and I can't imagine how my life would be if I never stumbled upon DSGHQ.

Now I'm off to the IDF, a new chapter in my life as this one closes. Thank you for raising me and an unforgettable childhood. And a special thank you to Damen for making all of this a possibility.

Love your favorite Israeli,

Rachel / Narcissa

[ a classic hebrew ending. nigmar = finished ]

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