31st August 2023

Bye :(

Made by Ari in The Lounge

Former MOD
416 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st August 2023, 12:52 PM

Hi everyone. I know everything is coming to a close (join damen outpost srsly its not over) I wanted to thank everyone for the memories and good times. I will miss everyone so much, this community meant so much to me and I wanted to thank everyone for making it so special and fun while it lasted. My discord is simply just icevsin so keep in touch. OH MAH GAWDDDDDDDDDD I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING AHWDUHASKJHDIJASHDKJHSAOD.

Also before I finish I wanted to thank two of the people who were the closest to me on the platform who would always be understanding and listen when I needed to talk to them.
Securityguy and Jesse. Thank you guys for being there for me when I needed you the most and being my friends.

Thank you Damen for making this all possible.
Im sorry to everyone ive caused annoyance over the years and im sorry if I had done anything to upset anyone.


+1 by Tommo, Narcissa and Pablo
Best Regards,

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