1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
7th December 2013, 10:00 AM
Penguin: Lusavor
Gold Penguin: _____
Gold Puffle: Pixel
Last Story Ending: Lusavor Just stared driking his coffee and pointing at the gold penguin.
Then Lusavor stood up, and put his coffee cup in his bag. Then Pixel accidently shook rocks on the wall and it caused the rocks to wobble... and started an underground avalanche! Lusavor picked up Pixel and his bag, and started running very fast. The gold penguin just stood there, but Lusavor ran. Once the avalanche was over, Pixel jumped onto the rocks looking for the gold penguin. Although it was small, it was very strong. It picked up a big rock and jumped out of all of those rocks. He gently rolled it along side a wall. Then he jumped onto the ground. The trouble was not over though. It got worse. Water flowed in the Mine, soaked up the rocks, and gold and strong minerals, and caused a very big avalanche with all of the minerals from the mine. The tumbled really fast. Lusavor picked up Pixel and his bag was already slumped on his shoulder, and ran. This time, The gold penguin also ran. He ran the same speed as Lusavor. Then, he picked Lusavor up, with Pixel on his shoulder and ran very fast. In a couple seconds, they arrived at a safe area. Lusavor mumbled, "wow." Then drank a little coffee, once again. Once he finished, he brought his coffee back, and some other materials, Lusavor said, "I will call this gold penguin...
To Be Continued.
Penguin: Lusavor
Gold Penguin: _____
Gold Puffle: Pixel
Last Story Ending: Lusavor Just stared driking his coffee and pointing at the gold penguin.
Then Lusavor stood up, and put his coffee cup in his bag. Then Pixel accidently shook rocks on the wall and it caused the rocks to wobble... and started an underground avalanche! Lusavor picked up Pixel and his bag, and started running very fast. The gold penguin just stood there, but Lusavor ran. Once the avalanche was over, Pixel jumped onto the rocks looking for the gold penguin. Although it was small, it was very strong. It picked up a big rock and jumped out of all of those rocks. He gently rolled it along side a wall. Then he jumped onto the ground. The trouble was not over though. It got worse. Water flowed in the Mine, soaked up the rocks, and gold and strong minerals, and caused a very big avalanche with all of the minerals from the mine. The tumbled really fast. Lusavor picked up Pixel and his bag was already slumped on his shoulder, and ran. This time, The gold penguin also ran. He ran the same speed as Lusavor. Then, he picked Lusavor up, with Pixel on his shoulder and ran very fast. In a couple seconds, they arrived at a safe area. Lusavor mumbled, "wow." Then drank a little coffee, once again. Once he finished, he brought his coffee back, and some other materials, Lusavor said, "I will call this gold penguin...
To Be Continued.