7th December 2013

Colo glitch

Made by Scott in Bugs

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
7th December 2013, 04:45 PM

Hello everyone, i was on penguin chat 4 and i saw that you could now change your colors but the sad part is you can not wear your colors. Which, this may bug you but i bet it will be fixed later on. But, i will try showing but happens once you click it but everyone's penguin is now a black color.

Once you open and click the color-

Your penguin after-

One more glitch- once you dance your penguin turns back into the color "old blue"

I hope this will be *fixed* soon, so it is more easier to dance and change colors.

Thank you, ~Sadie :D

EDIT- I meant color sorry about that.

+1 by stompnbob
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
7th December 2013, 05:00 PM

Yeah, this is a really annoying glitch...

Maybe it just needs to be recoded!!!

+1 by Scott and Dice

398 posts
Seen 27th August 2020
7th December 2013, 08:12 PM

yeah i saw it. It gets annoying being the same color all the time.

+1 by Scott and States Backup

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
7th December 2013, 08:23 PM

Well, hence the name:

Penguin Chat 4

It's not a version of Club Penguin, it's not a CPPS either!

It's just 1 room with no ranks, and you just waddle around talking to penguins.

Once more, hence the name:

Penguin Chat 4

The only thing you do is Chat with an amount of the species Penguin virtually.

And 4 is just a version. It means the 4th Penguin Chat.

It's not supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be like an animated Chat group where you can move around a little image, in this case, a cartoon virtual penguin. The way you draw it was invented by me, Rsnail.

I invented Extravaganza Penguins, the 1st generation of Club Penguin.

The 1st CP = Extravaganza Penguins
The 1st CPPS = iCPv1

CPPS's was a copy of my game I invented.
I have hated Alex Rath since the time he invented such thing as a "CPPS".

I had all the things OldCP had on my "Extravaganza Penguins" Test Run, which was named Extravaganza Penguin Version 1.6.

It was initially abbreviated as: EPv1

So the abbreviated version of the 1st CP and CPPS is below:

The 1st CP = EPv1
The 1st CPPS = iCPv1

The full name of iCPv1 is iCPv1 so the full name and the initially abbreviated way are the same for the 1st CPPS.

Disney made:

CPv2 (Also known as Club Penguin) (Also known as NewCP)

But it wasn't officially done by Disney.
It was officially done by me, Rsnail.

Horizon made:

CPv1 (Was known as Club Penguin) (Also known as OldCP).

I will add more stuff later!!! Bye!!!

+1 by stompnbob

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