7th December 2013

Squids Worst Day Ever 2

Made by Abby in Entertainment

1,175 posts
Seen 6th March 2016
7th December 2013, 06:17 PM

Chapter 2
How my clarinet broke in half

Okay so my worst day ever is when that yellow square thing broke my baby, (My clarinet) Oh god I even get the shivers talking about it! Oh than also Patrick used it as a belly button cleaner *barfs* I’m sorry, let’s get into the story, It was sometime around June, and it was really hot outside so Pat’s Belly Button lint started to uh itch, *face goes green* And my clarinet has a really sharp tip on the end of it so I saw where he got THAT idea plus that yellow sponge he was bored so he decided to you know come bother me of course and he went and got Patrick and they gradually came into my house, tore it apart, stole my clarinet and broke it, it broke because Sponge & Pat decided to feed it to Gary then slime got on it and it broke in half yeah, I don’t know where I’m going with this really but I’m really mad at them at this point and I made them buy me a new one then they broke THAT One.

The End of Chapter 2 hope you enjoyed!
Credits go to Music for the birth of the story (He came up with the idea)

You guys have to wait a few days for Chapter 3!

Other Chapters
Chapter 1- http://forums.clubpenguin.pro/view/?id=6707

Moderator of Forum.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Best Friends. Damen,Frozo,Sadie,Kara,May,PenguinDSC,CPManiac,Key123,Frogs,Tacofun,
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else

272 posts
Seen 26th February 2015
7th December 2013, 06:24 PM

Cant wait for the next part! Great story

Kitty Chesire Is looking at you.

1,175 posts
Seen 6th March 2016
7th December 2013, 06:26 PM

Cant wait for the next part! Great story
Thank you :)

Moderator of Forum.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Best Friends. Damen,Frozo,Sadie,Kara,May,PenguinDSC,CPManiac,Key123,Frogs,Tacofun,
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else

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