10th December 2013

Lawrence Toons: Christmas

Made by Preston in Entertainment

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
10th December 2013, 04:28 PM

Hello everyone. Since it is close to Christmas, and I have my winter concert tomorrow, I wanted to bring up some songs that I know for Christmas.

Lawrence Tones: A Marshmallow World
Its a marshmallow world in the winter___ When the snow comes to cover the ground. It's the time for play; it's a whipped cream day; I wait for it the whole year 'round. Those are shin - ing so your nose won't freeze. The world is your snow - ball; See how it grows; That's how it goes when- ev - er it snows. The world is your snow - ball; just for a song; get out and roll it a - long. It's a yum yum - my world made for sweet-hearts;_ Take a walk with your fav - o - rite girl. Its a su - gar date; What if spring is late; In win - ter, it's a Marsh - mal - low world.

I hope you like it! And, I believe this is a real song. PS. Please wish me luck tomorrow for my music concert! ;D

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