14th December 2013

My Life As A Drawing #2

Made by Preston in Arts

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
14th December 2013, 01:59 PM

Characters: Jack (human) Doodle (dog)
Hello everyone. My name is... well, you will find out. I live in a book, and it is the plane old thing. Jumping around pages, exploring the same old pictures, and more stuff. I want to be out of this book. I must get out somehow. That is my only dream, to be in the human world. I have my favorite thing on the bookiverse (universe) that always keeps me company, my magic pencil. Now, you know everyone has parents, right? I was born with this magic pencil. You see, my parents got married (like usual) but the drew me. Then, the first toy they ever gave me, was this pencil. I drew my pet dog... lets find out my name also on this page! Wait a sec, gotta flip threw this book here. Found the page! If you want to read it, go ahead!
Jack and his pet, Doodle, always were with each other. There parents died from a sketchasaurus, the most dangerous dinosaur in bookiverse. He lives on his own now, always and I mean always, is bored in this same old book.
Now that you know my name, I'm finally gonna get out of this book. Ok, I drew a small backpack to put my magic pencil, and a coat to keep warm. Sparky hopped on my shoulder and we headed to the cover of the book to get out. A cover seems easy, but a big adventure in bookiverse. A lot of pages would be a hard mountain to climb in the human world. In bookiverse, a lot of pages is tricky.

To Be Continued...

As I walked through all of the pages of the book that he never seen, he remembered something familiar. Not a good familiar, very bad familiar. On this page, there was a whole family of sketchasaurus' blocking the path! I held Doodle in my arms very tight and then we were out of luck, with 1 tip toe, the sketchasaurus' woke up and started chasing us! I screamed like a maniac for a long, long time. Then I started to run for my life, because this is how my parents died! I just got on idea. I put Doodle on my shoulder, and got out my magic pencil. I drew a sharp sword and some metal knight armor. I mumbled to myself, "Time to slay these sketchasaurus'..." I charged at them, and hit them like crazy. They finally ran away. Not because I was strong, because they were bored of me hitting them so lightly. Doodle held a head of a sketchasaurus, and I know what he meant. I drew a fireplace and a stick to roast the head. I drew a knife and cut it up, and we ate for the night. Just then, a very strong ice beam froze the fire solid...

To be continued...

+1 by trixie

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