2nd October 2013

How To Receive Likes

Made by Hashir in The Lounge

3,526 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
2nd October 2013, 04:49 PM

Hello! Today I will tell you one way on how to receive likes on the forum. Likes is a good thing, it is valuable and shows people have liked your post and you have some trust. This is my best way to gain likes from other users.
Your discussions, your discussions matter a lot. If you want to gain like my best suggestion is to make a tutorial. There are many new users browsing so it would be helpful to see a tutorial. This way, a lot of people will like your posts. Also if you want to gain likes, try not to make a whole story book or a sentence. Keep it at the maximum of 3-4 paragraphs so people can actually understand what you are trying to state.
Posting. When commenting on a person's post it is something you should put in a little detail. Not a lot but a little (around 3-4 sentences). I have seen user(s) posting one word in the discussion that was off topic. So if you want to receive likes by commenting, this is your way.
Thanks for reading!

+1 by Kara, Bailey and Notacoolman
"Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof." -V

2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
2nd October 2013, 05:06 PM

Hello! Today I will tell you one way on how to receive likes on the forum. Likes is a good thing, it is valuable and shows people have liked your post and you have some trust. This is my best way to gain likes from other users.

Your discussions, your discussions matter a lot. If you want to gain like my best suggestion is to make a tutorial. There are many new users browsing so it would be helpful to see a tutorial. This way, a lot of people will like your posts. Also if you want to gain likes, try not to make a whole story book or a sentence. Keep it at the maximum of 3-4 paragraphs so people can actually understand what you are trying to state.

Posting. When commenting on a person's post it is something you should put in a little detail. Not a lot but a little (around 3-4 sentences). I have seen user(s) posting one word in the discussion that was off topic. So if you want to receive likes by commenting, this is your way.

Thanks for reading!
I see this worked because well... you got 1+ :)

+1 by Hashir


5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
2nd October 2013, 05:07 PM

Now 2+! XD

+1 by Kara

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
2nd October 2013, 05:09 PM

now 3!

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
2nd October 2013, 05:19 PM

Hes gonna keep getting more if you say that. :p (Being serious, even though getting likes isn't a bad thing)

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