14th December 2013
1 view

Try to guess..

Made by TikiLiki in Entertainment

810 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
14th December 2013, 10:23 PM

Hey there! This is a guessing game. Once someone answers all of the questions right the game will be over. Good Luck!

1.How old am I?
2.Where do I live?
3.What's my favorite color? (it's not blue)
4.What's my favorite food?
5.What's my favorite TV show?
6.When's my birthday? (It's between January 1 to January 20)
7.Do I have any brothers/sisters?
Winner gets a YouTube video dedicated to him/her!

+1 by Sophie
Kara, Olivia, Tessa, Olivia, Adam, Olivia, Olivia

682 posts
Seen 10th November 2015
15th December 2013, 01:58 AM

Your 12 years old.

Purple or Orange.

Ham or Spaghetti and Ice cream and oreos

Adventure Time, or a disney show.

January the 12 or 3


(Here is a bonus question that i wanna answer :3 )

What is my fav arts?

Hehehe Polymer Clay :3

tessa (;

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