31st December 2013

The Royal Islands - Ch. 1

Made by Bob in Arts

1,167 posts
Seen 10th February 2021
31st December 2013, 11:10 AM

The Royal Islands - Chapter 1 - Land, Ocean, and Penguins

"Hello my king," said a royal penguin knight. "The dark ones...they are attacking!" he continued. "Get the army ready," said the penguin king. "We only have two choices: Fight or leave." "Okay, yes sir!" said the knight. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! "SIR! THEY ARE ATTACKING!" yelled the knight. "Get the boats ready. We're gonna leave!" said the king. "Yes sir!" said the knight. The knight went down the halls into the Royal Administration Office, then grabbed the microphone. He announced through the speakers, "ATTENTION EVERYONE! PLEASE GET ALL THE BOATS READY AND LEAVE THE KINGDOM." Everyone in the kingdom got their supplies and went into the boats. They all left the kingdom.

So, here are the names: King=King Bob - Knight=Sir Gary

One night, the boats crashed into an island. Everyone woke up. "Okay, I will choose my greatest leaders to own this island. It shall be called The Royal Staff Island. Over here, we shall have The Administrator Ally, which will be for 5 of my extremely greatest people. And over there we will have The Moderator Mash-up, for my other greatest people. These people shall protect, rule, and make sure the people of this island act mature while we leave to find some more islands to rule. We will leave to find more islands tomorrow." said King Bob.


+1 by x and May23

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