3rd January 2014

My life on Oldcp~ Memories

Made by May23 in The Lounge

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
3rd January 2014, 09:09 PM

I am going to tell you all, my oldcp story. Lost in all the memories. (R.I.P Oldcp)

When I first joined, It was the week when Pieguy won one of the last Moderator competitions.
The first day I joined, I was confused as ever. It was my first "cpps".
Some people even tried tricking me into giving them credits. Luckily I did not. The only penguins who helped me on the very first day was, I think, Marble and Salsa, and another penguin I do not know the name of today.
So, then, I was just playing around, and I heard of a competition. A "Moderator competition". I tried, and tried, and tried to join, but since it was the finals... it was too late. So, I watched and observed. I remembered the rules- no asking for higher titles. I saw Mods telling other users you must earn it, so I went to each and every Moderator, and got advice. That day, I vowed that I would earn Moderator.
I tried, I played, for hours. Learned, and learned, gained experienced. I then started helping other users.
In the middle of my experience, I remember having to get credits, of course. I finally, after asking, got a job at the coffee shop from Hashir. Though, of course, since they changed owner a ton, I never got a payday, even though I had lots of jobs. (I had a total of 5 jobs on Oldcp!) The coffee shop, though, was my favorite job. Most of the time, but not all of the time, it was busy and bustling. I remember working with my friends Marble, and more friends along the way. Making coffee, brewing. Baking with Sadie. A ton of others. I worked for hours, and the only pay I got was from the customers that were willing to pay credits for it. We had a specials board, and even made up a whole new pastry that did not even exist before we made it up at all- Pumpkin cream buns!
It was very, very fun. Ah, memories.
Now, nearing up to the end- there were a lot of others that were hired and fired as Moderators. I had to get through a lot of obstacles, the whole way I had to stay positive. My biggest obstacle I had to get over...had to be getting fired from the Agency. I won the competition and was chosen as an Agent. Sadly, no one sent me the memo of the meetings and I was excluded. I was very close, and I felt like I lost it all.
I got over it though. The rest was very much a blur. I became a tour guide, but then that shut down, and came back again, and other things happened.
One day, I logged on the forums. I saw that Damen replied to my mail. He said:
" You can go ahead and set it up now, it should be easier since I have made you a Moderator."
Not only, had Damen accepted my Ice Fishing Service, he had made me an official Oldcp Moderator. I right away, logged on. It was glitchy, but after about 30 minutes it was fixed and my name was on the List. I had made it at last.
I got to enjoy it for a couple months before Oldcp ended. They liked me as a Moderator, and felt very happy before oldcp shut down. But, those memories still last.
Today I am a Moderator here on these Forums today. I tried my best, and I encourage others to do the same. I miss oldcp, very dearly. But those are all happy memories.

+1 by Scott, Key, Sophie, Abby and 1 other

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
3rd January 2014, 09:12 PM

This is grand but you forgot the time you met me :3 I'm just messing around this is amazing :D I can't fit my whole story on one screen I made to many memories.

+1 by Sophie
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
3rd January 2014, 09:14 PM

Yeah! I couldnt fit it all. I did include meeting you and making our "Pumpkin cream buns."
Remember making those? :D

+1 by Scott

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
3rd January 2014, 09:15 PM

Yeah! I couldnt fit it all. I did include meeting you and making our "Pumpkin cream buns."

Remember making those? :D
I remember everything :) truly amazing.

Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

1,761 posts
Seen 22nd December 2022
3rd January 2014, 09:16 PM

Wow, I never knew how late you joined and yet you had a very good time and a lot of memories! You have inspired me to do one of these and I will in the upcoming future!

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