1,546 posts
Seen 31st May 2020
17th January 2014, 01:57 PM
hey welcome to TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR! TODAY WE WILL DO PAINTBALL!!!!! now all of you have to try to shoot the the players not your team who ever shoot him/her wins now go littlemix run as she could *littlemix* got scared and she shoot everyone she shot harry by mistake *harry* says OUCH *freddy* says sorry harry your out *littlemix* says SORRY *littlemix* see pony *littlemix* shoot aman 1 point for the warriors snails while *key* and jona see terry *key* and jona shoot terry by mistake terry jump all away to the sky than he fall down 3 points for the snails warriors than taco saw terry and said OH NOO luke shot taco *taco* got hit by paintball while bob see peng bob shot peng 1 point for the bears than dice shoot everyone from the bears than strategic got scared so she run AHHH >.< the hamsters and the snails warriors lose sorry the bears lose VOTEING TIME ok everyone did a great job now you pick your choice now let me read the votes *freddy* said..... ok *freddy* says gave bacon to taco gave bacon to frozo gave bacon to sunwolf gave bacon to bob and the final bacon go to sunset sorry frozo your out *sunset* says WAIT I WANT TO GET OUT OF THE GAME *freddy* says are you sure? *sunset* says YES *sunset* says IM COMING SCOOT *sunset* fall down AHHHHHH *freddy* says frozo your safe *freddy* gave bacon to frozo *freddy* says well til next time on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR!