1,546 posts
Seen 31st May 2020
17th January 2014, 03:34 PM
welcome to TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR today everyone needs to be on the top of the hill first but who ever first win the whole team now GO *littlemix* runs as fast she could than littlemix fall down *key* grabs littlemix and she keep running *while peng push key *key* falls down AHHHH while jona is getting beating up the bear once again :l peng is winnning but than littlemix shoot paintball at peng peng fall down than peng fall a t littlemix but than peng keep going and than..... THE HAMSTER WINS than no one know that sunwolf was in the hill the whole time THE BEARS WINS now vote players... *freddy* says ok all of you pick your chouice here it go gave bacon to littlemix gave bacon to key gave bacon to harry gave bacon to sadie and the final bacon go to... jona sorry stella your out *stella* fall down AHHHH well til next episode at TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR