1,546 posts
Seen 31st May 2020
17th January 2014, 06:45 PM
hey welcome to TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR! there was a lot of people getting out of the game but who can you trust? watch now on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR! ok now everyone today have too... um ok everyone have to build a big thing who ever build it fast WINS ok now the snails warriors you have to build a big bird .. gave map ot make big bird ok now the hamsters you have to make a big hamsters and the bears have to make a big bear now GO *key* try to look for a big bird *key* says i found one key put bird now he needs 4 more left while that the bear came and jona beat up bear after that the bears have grab the bear and *freddy* says THE BEAR WINS everyone on the snails warriors say OH COME ON JONA YOU MADE THEM WIN >.< WHILE THAT *LITTLEMIX dig easly LITTLEMIX got 2 piches while that they need 2 more than strategic found 2 SO THE SNAILS WARRIORS WINS now vote the hamers ok all of you make your votes now here it go gave bacon to dice gave nacon to peng AND THE FINAL BACON GO TO... Luke .. sorry aman your out! .. aman fall down AHHHHHH well til next time on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR mean while *harry* says good plan peng we have took out aman now i will win with you