22nd January 2014

weend corp

Made by ian in Inventions

2,542 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
22nd January 2014, 11:15 PM

Hi i made this thing called the weend corporation we will fight bad guys protect the island and solve crimes these are the ranks

director:im the only one whos the director :/
commander:you can comand people and lead missions
lutenit:you can comand 3 people of you choice
detecive:solve crimes and mysteries
agent:your just a rookie :/

This is how you aply!
forum name
oldcp name
your skill

depending on you aplications ill decide your rank!


272 posts
Seen 26th February 2015
23rd January 2014, 02:35 PM

I would just like to know what rank I would have gotton if I join
1. Starrah
2. Ilse123
3. I sit in the corners and hide sometimes, I also am good at hiding.

Kitty Chesire Is looking at you.

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