7th September 2013
1 view

The Scientific Method

Made by Bailey in The Lounge

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th September 2013, 02:02 PM

1.) State the problem
2.) Gather information
3.) Form a hypothesis
4.) Conduct an experiment
5.) Record and analyze data
6.) State a conclusion
Those are the steps to the Scientific Method in order. In 1955, a scientist named Jonas Salk used the Scientific Method to see if there was a vaccine for the disease, "polio". It affects the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. You cannot get the disease today. This is HipHop, please comment. :)

520 posts
Seen 24th July 2023
7th September 2013, 02:02 PM

this is pointless I already gotta deal with this crap in school I don't need need to hear it from you hiphop

+1 by Chelsey, -1 by Bailey and RandomPenguin
[10:55:03 AM] Domo/TheCraftedArt: fired mod

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th September 2013, 02:02 PM

I am trying to inform others on the subject. You don't need to be so ignorant with it. It is my decision.

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