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Updated by ShadowChan
31st August 2023
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6th March 2023
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Recent Moods

20th December 2014
http://forums.damenspike.com/view/33173/ If you haven't seen my P.W. Application. Enjoy! Love ~~Bonnie~~
20th December 2014
20th December 2014
Why was Starwolf demoted from Oldcp Mod? :?
20th December 2014
I've been seeing multiple jokes about Sherlock120, and I just want to say something. He is a person, just like all of us. He has feelings, and if people keep harassing him, it could make him mad, or hurt his feelings. It plainly says in the community rules: No bullying, or name calling. I see people, even some Moderators, calling Sherlock120 names, and making jokes about him. Would you enjoy people calling you names? I highly doubt you would enjoy that, so just please, enough of this... I think, deep down inside, he is a great person. Damen may see something in him that we don't see, and we should respect his choices. You can say all you want about me, but hate me, or love me, the harassment NEEDS to stop... Thank you, have a nice day.
20th December 2014
Ender Skippy
20th December 2014
LOL. My friend just tried to stop mobs from spawning by using redstone torches. As everyone knows though, it is impossible to stop aggressive mobs from spawning with them due to redstone torches hiving off only a light level of 7. BTW this is supposedly why Herobrine uses them instead of normal ones that plus it gives the spooky affect of a torch red like blood so dim as though it were almost dead yet, never giving out.)
Ender Skippy
20th December 2014
LOL. My friend just tried to stop mobs from spawning by using redstone torches. As everyone knows though, it is impossible to stop aggressive mobs from spawning with them due to redstone torches hiving off only a light level of 7. BTW this is supposedly why Herobrine uses them instead of normal ones that plus it gives the spooky affect of a torch red like blood so dim as though it were dead yet, never giving out.)
20th December 2014
Idk why but I'm super tired and grumpy :(, I'll just hang out here until I leave for my Aun'ts :)