First off I just wanna say, Randy made a topic covering racism on DSGHQ so I figured I'd help and stand up as well against this crap.

Here's my boi Randy's post:

Anyway, Randy covered racism so Im gonna cover another topic...
ANTISEMITISM. (What is antisemitism?
it means making fun of people for being jewish)
so heres my post on people who are antisemitic in our community... Enjoy.

If you against ANYONE FOR SOMETHING THEY CANT CONTROL (race, religion, etc) then you probably a wimp. Let me explain. You hide behind a computer saying this crap on a penguin game but would you call people the things you say irl? Probably not. If so you got problems.... I've had people in this community whom are now my friends who have (in the past) bullied me for my religion. "Go burn in the oven" etc. I forgive you, but I wont EVER forget. But some people havent even said sorry to me or others for the hate they spread. One person sent me images of the holocaust victims and told me to make it my album cover. First off, it aint funny and it aint cool. How would you feel if you've gotten hate irl and on a GAME for your religion etc? You wouldn't be smiling. Think twice before you speak. Also, if this discussion gets removed then ill file a report (idc if im being a male Karen atm).

One last thing...

I am protesting against racism, etc not only on here, but irl. On here I want to start a trend. Idc if you're heavy, skinny, white, black, asian, jewish, gay, lesbain, purple, YOU GOT MY BACK. We all need to stand together as HUMANS and stop all the hate in the community and irl.

I, Lil Khal K, therefore would like to say that I STAND WITH YOU.
We will work together to stop hate in any form. Let's come together and make a change on this community and irl. Thank you.