JeffOldCP's moods
19th June 2015
Can y'all add me on OldCP again? There was a bug, and it left me with almost none.
19th June 2015
I'm still JeffOldCP, but I decided to move onto this. The only difference are the name, the picture, and other stuff.
19th June 2015
Can we make more than one channel? If not, can this be considered a suggestion?
18th June 2015
If I remembered or not, the DSGHQ Forums was updated. Although it seems like it's normal, tell me hwat has changed and hwat didn't.
16th June 2015
I just received a message about summon to a room in OldCP. Please resend, as I didn't read it all.
14th June 2015
Some posts don't have tags. Tags can show where it takes places and hwat it represents.
14th June 2015
Although I've seen only fewer information about this new rank on OldCP, hwat is a Black Hand? I'm just asking a question.
10th June 2015
This just in: I'm under a severe thunderstorm warning. Good lucks required.
31st May 2015
It appears as if them dang ol' DSGHQ dang ol' xat chatamabob returned. Hwy is that?
31st May 2015
This is just a virtual website with a forum and a game. Get over with it y'all.
28th May 2015
It appears nobody told me about the application requirements. I see users with those Experiences, Names, etc.