SecurityGuy's moods
24th July 2021
@Damen any chance you could fix OldCP server's they become really slow at 12:00 am est everyday for some reason
15th July 2021
Quitting P3D since I have no reason to play it and I transfer Dorval to Dice
10th June 2021
So if I'm allowed full control over the game I can bring the empire back, remove all inactive people, balance all health, and balance all weapons properly?
22nd May 2021
@Damen war rules has just been made a bit more clearer sign the contract?
5th May 2021
@Damen any chance you could fix empire simulator? None of the commands seem to work
4th May 2021
@Damen any chance you could fix empire simulator I keep submitting commands but none of them seem to work
3rd May 2021
@Damen any chance you could fix empire simulator I keep submitting commands but none of them work
13th January 2021
@Damen Kace needs help figuring the new island thing out can you login iOldCP real quick