candy's moods
27th September 2015
Damen made the best mistake in history. All the usernames in the world aren't taken. I made a new acc called 'Cindy' Thanks Damen
24th September 2015
I need you guys advice first. In October, I'm going to do the Propaganda sacrifice. Should I? Please comment a vote, and I'll see.
23rd September 2015
Someone on OldCP just told me that I am pathetik and I nead to get a liif.
23rd September 2015
Life isn't about surviving the storm, life's about learning to dance in the rain.
22nd September 2015
When life gives you lemons, go back to the store to exchange them for the high-quality kind.
19th September 2015
Life isn't surviving the storm, it's learning how to dance in the rain. -Taylor Swift
4th September 2015
Can anyone please transfer a bit of gold? I'm saving up for profile background and profile music. I need 2000 gold. I'll save up for a while, you do not have to transfer more than 10 if you don't want to. Please help me!