isaac's moods
27th December 2019
Ads are getting way too annoying. Like only one or two people here would like Arabian woman dates in your area but not all of us.
10th December 2019
If you don’t reply to this in 1 hour Lizzo is going to eat you while you sleep.
7th December 2019
If milly bobby brown went on forums she would run over this whole community
6th December 2019
I’m tempted to have the mood area spammed with “ok boomer” but #favouritism
6th December 2019
Here’s a great pickup line:
“Damnnn are you a Inca i3530D 3-Way Tripod? Because you can definitely stand up for yourself”
“Damnnn are you a Inca i3530D 3-Way Tripod? Because you can definitely stand up for yourself”
4th December 2019
Some chick randomly ran me over today thinking I was Lizzo
Feeling: Depressed
Feeling: Depressed
4th December 2019
That one moment when you accidentally grate your finger and put it in your cousins sandwich
2nd December 2019
Thanks to the forums, I have now found interested Vietnamese girls in my area.
21st October 2019
I disagree with the people who have been saying the PW should be discontinued. Penguin watch was a great way of gaining experience in Moderation and being involved behind the scenes of the game and gave users an opportunity especially if they never got a chance to actually be staff. But it wouldn’t really surprise me if the people who want it to close actually haven’t been in the Penguin watch themselves but hey, we will never know.