Vivian Cruz's moods

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Vivian Cruz
1st November 2015
~:star: On Monday is when the key gag sacrifice ends for me :D :star:~
Vivian Cruz
1st November 2015
~:star: On Monday is when the key gag sacrifice ends for me :D :star:~
Vivian Cruz
31st October 2015
~:star: I remember those halloween days when after 1 hour your halloween bag would be fuel and now its like you need to trick or treat for 6 hours just to get a fuel bag of candy.. .-. :star:~
Vivian Cruz
31st October 2015
~:star: Going trick or treating in a few!! :D :star:~
Vivian Cruz
31st October 2015
~:star: I just did my profile.:v :star:~
Vivian Cruz
31st October 2015
~:star: Is it just me or is my profile pic not working? o.o? :star:~
Vivian Cruz
31st October 2015
~:star: Since i am on the key gag sacrifice.. Frozo should be waldo for halloween :3 :star:~
Vivian Cruz
26th October 2015
~:star: I did the Key Gag Sacrifice :3 :star:~
Vivian Cruz
25th October 2015
~:star: What the.. o.o :star:~
Vivian Cruz
25th October 2015
~:star: If I had to chose what category to be removed from here it would be the banned category. I say this because alot of the post some people put in that category sometimes leads to drama.. :star:~
Vivian Cruz
25th October 2015
~:star: School is tommorow. :( At lease in 6 more days its.. Halloween :star:~
Vivian Cruz
25th October 2015
~:star: With the Key Gag Sacrifice, can you still log in but just not post for a week? :star:~
Vivian Cruz
25th October 2015
~:star: What the? o.o :star:~
Vivian Cruz
24th October 2015
~:star: What should I make a post about? The person with the best idea gets 20 gold :3 :star:~
Vivian Cruz
24th October 2015
~:star: I wonder what the day has planned for me today.. :star:~
Vivian Cruz
24th October 2015
How do you do the star emoji on here? (Yes, I know this a dumb question but I just want to know..)
Vivian Cruz
23rd October 2015
Lol I love DSC's new album :3
Vivian Cruz
22nd October 2015
I tried.. XD Believe it or not, It took me about 1 hour and 30 mins to make that..