Loki's moods
15th April 2023
Gonna be gone all day today. So if you need me, just ask yourself “wwld?” (What would Loki do?) or just contact someone else
10th April 2023
I’m so confused. The instructions for installing this bicycling odometer are so bad. Idek what these diagrams are even supposed to mean 😭 someone help! 😭 😭😭😭
6th April 2023
If you're going to guess in the first round of Shadows of Baraddur, you better guess soon. The next part is coming later today.
Who murdered Lex? :o
Who murdered Lex? :o
5th April 2023
Finished reading The Fall of Númenor and wow, they really fell hard. Sauron was so cunning in the way he played Ar-Pharazôn. Lol rip Númenor!
3rd April 2023
New season of Shadows of Baraddur coming soon to a forums near you!
Shadows of Baraddur
Forums Murder Mystery
Shadows of Baraddur
Forums Murder Mystery
1st April 2023
Sauron is officially my favorite villain.
Side note, no one saw him with his helmet off after the Fall of Numenor so how would they even know if he’s actually ugly or not? The elves probably made that up so their children wouldn’t start fangirling for him.
Side note, no one saw him with his helmet off after the Fall of Numenor so how would they even know if he’s actually ugly or not? The elves probably made that up so their children wouldn’t start fangirling for him.
31st March 2023
I think we should take a moment and acknowledge that Lex would die from excitement if he saw the oldcp promotion.
28th March 2023
Probably going to be on break until Friday. Contact other forums admins if you need something.
26th March 2023
Loved the live show. Little did a great job interviewing! I’m sad I’ll never get to know why I don’t lay eggs though
Wonder who the next one will be with
Wonder who the next one will be with