Obito's moods
12th July 2019
my religion is kakashi hatake and ur watching disney channel but without the disney
11th July 2019
apparently, just blocking me on discord wasn't enough for sriram, because he feels the need to keep being an absolute ass to me as much as he possibly can on here without even caring if i screenshot and send it to my bffs.
11th July 2019
if you receive a dm from me and it says something about empty threats, i sent it to you because i felt that i could trust you to know a little about a bad habit of mine.
11th July 2019
i'd let tendo pain almighty push me into oblivion as i almighty dab on his face
10th July 2019
the definition of perfection, to me, is itachi uchiha. he was beautiful.
29th June 2019
someone should photoshop the characters of boruto as food (ex. boruto the burrito)
26th June 2019
alatar is no longer alatar to me. his new name is alootar. lush is now loosh. don't ask.