Akkar's moods
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War in 2 minutes where you all at?
@damen come on oldcp we actually got some users on
Im in third place now lol
@Jesse you left me I cant believe it dude thank you fort he good 8 years ill miss you
@Jesse kid making me cry irl known u half my life dont do this
Updated my profile come look at it lol
@CoffeeCow you have made a great mistake by logging off
we got alot of users on rn
disconnected from lag and wilf kills me
@Coffeecow log off and accept your fate im taking third place.
@Damen sent you important private mail
Accal Black you coming on to return the scrolls today?
@Damen If I were to pay 25k right now could I get my stuff from a old account that died?
@Damen what all would /merge transfer?
Damen can akkarlol get my 200db and clsjustice
@Damen sent u mail and a ticket