CPManiac's moods
2nd February 2015
I hope to show you guys what I look like in my new glasses tomorrow, but until then, good night c:
30th January 2015
Congratulations to all those who competed, you all did so well. Good job to all who lost their lives; their accounts will be remembered forever. Congrats to The Mountain also for winning.
26th January 2015
The one thing you still need to go to if you're tired is school ,-,
24th January 2015
Penguin and I went to a swim meet about 1 1/2 hours away from our home yesterday, and we couldn't get home since there was bad weather in the area. We stayed at a hotel and left in the morning. So hai
18th January 2015
I want some ideas. I'm going to make a few Jrs and post them. So far, I have the idea of /jr ManiacMonday, /jr maniac, and /jr House. What ideas do you guys have?
11th January 2015
I have pharyngitis, so that's a relief. In perspective, having pharyngitis is much better than having mono or the flu etc; so I'm glad I don't anything major
11th January 2015
Good Morning. I'm going to Urgent Care this morning to finally see why I have been feeling like this. My dad and I have made a theory that I have tonsillitis, which seems to be the most logical reason. Wish me luck soon
7th January 2015
Not feeling good, but getting better. Drinking my second cup of tea today, and hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow.