ian's moods

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4th September 2021
Eclipse military is looking for new agents, who would be interested in training? Not all trainees will earn a spot in our ranks but I encourage those who are interested in joining to do so. You will be judged on combat ability, ability to follow/give orders, and problem solving. Comment bellow, even if you are in Drake you may also join.
3rd September 2021
at this point can we please make sriram a cz character, ik how to act as him i remember his mannerisms, typing quirks, etc, i know sriram more than i know myself
1st September 2021
Couldn't disagree with Rouges demotion more, she's been a very good admin whos been very involved with the community and has shown she cares about the game. Obviously what she did was against the rules and I understand but we shouldn't let a poor decision discredit all the good she's done for us users as admin.
30th August 2021
real ones remember when it was called the oldcp community
26th August 2021
the cz was good today i like hahu a lot he gave everyone attention not just gamer + he was really nice and actually wise not like nook who tried to kill me and orbay for being a "fed"
25th August 2021
a mixture of general politics, and pirates would be fun and i wouldn't mind a little pythas. the general politics get users like myself involved easier, the pirates are just fun and nostalgic, and pythas stuff because i had fable explain it to me for the 15th time and i think i understand it now
24th August 2021
no idea how cz works but since its been kinda dead rn im gonna assume the actors/managers or whatever are busy so what if we hired more
22nd August 2021
congrats to ollo/eiven on their respective lands, congrats to me too ig
21st August 2021
war between the empire and evil today pull up at 5pm
14th August 2021
why does little have buffed damage bruh
13th August 2021
dani log on i miss u
12th August 2021
more npcs, quests, and maybe a mini map could be really nice additions to p3d, i also think fishing would be fun, not as a minigame but just as means to get food to heal yourself like in the original versions of minecraft. also ships should have seats so i can sail in large groups without people flying off lol, another idea would be hot air balloons?
11th August 2021
There's just some things grown users shouldn't be saying to minors, I'm appalled.
22nd July 2021
rather than complaining my way to power, I think ill make arrangements for war over dorval. besides, even if I lose ill still have fun and I'm sure the other side will as well.
20th July 2021
give alatar a chance lol
8th July 2021
just joined atheism feeling like a neckbeard
25th June 2021
nate told me w gon get it regardless so we gon get it regardless ON GOD!!!
3rd June 2021
@damen 20 users on p3d good opportunity for cz?
21st May 2021
@damen SIGN THE WAR!
20th May 2021
can we get p3d cz that isnt just talking id enjoy some fighting or maybe a war