OoBubblesoO's moods
1st October 2015
It's officially October! One of my favorite months, aside from December, and November.
25th September 2015
" Stars are only visible in darkness. Fear is ever changing and evolving, and I have been poisoned inside. But I feel so alive." - Imagine Dragons song.
23rd September 2015
I apologize for not being online a lot lately. I've been busy with studying and school work. Hopefully, I will be able to get online again like I normally do this weekend.
7th September 2015
" You've got me holding onto nothing, but nothing's all I've got."
8th August 2015
My school starts the 11th. I've went school shopping already but I'm not prepared mentally.
16th July 2015
*watches pandemonium over earning a badge* *sits back and eats popcorn*
15th July 2015
I'm officially back from vacation! From here on out, I will be active like I was before.
11th July 2015
I'm leaving Ohio tomorrow so I will either be active starting tomorrow or Monday. See you guys soon. ^-^ (The "see you guys soon" sounds creepy but oh well. o-o)
7th July 2015
http://forums.damenspike.com/view/45456/?post=314672#p314672 I made this post earlier about my inactivity but I've added some other things to it. I know it seems I'm making a lot of inactivity related posts, but I just want to keep you all updated. I hope you guys understand that I'm trying to stay as long as possible because family is important to me. Thanks so much for reading this! (You don't have to read my post, if you don't want.)
7th July 2015
She's in a long black coat tonight, waiting for me in the downpour outside. She's singing "baby come home" in a melody of tears while the rhythym of the rain keeps time. (FOB lyrics )