Sunset's moods
9th February 2015
its so windy,raining hard,and lighting. im here with 4 blankets and watching netflix on my kindle.
29th January 2015
thank god "whats 9+10=21",potato flew around my room,and ebola jokes stayed in 2014.
28th January 2015
i honestly think SAO should've been a 13 episode anime. If the whole seasons are not going to be in SAO,then they should've called the anime "Online" since the games they played ended with "Online"
28th January 2015
i honestly think SAO should just be a 13 epusode anime. If the whole seasons are not going tk be in SAO,then they should've called the anime "Online" or something like that since all the games theh played ended with "onlne"
25th January 2015
Does anyone want me to stay here or...? I've done a lot of stupid things on here and I really regret it. I feel really guilty and I can't take it anymore. I know I'm inactive nowadays and I take little visits because I was just checking if everything will be fine without me. So I'm serious,not seeking attention,I'm planning to NEVER go on here. Im starting to moving on with "life". I feel forgotten,but thats okay. I dont have to worry about coming here again.
20th January 2015
its 12:23 AM and i need to wake up 7:40 for school...i hate it when i cant go to sleep and ended up having an all nighter cri