Sunset's moods
3rd July 2015
oh my god. my friends invited me to play the web game,,so i typed in the link buuut i misspell it as died
1st July 2015
you want to know how much a person can change? go to their mood page and click the last page. read what they used to act like back then.
29th June 2015
dunno if i should accept drawing requests..believe it or not,my digital drawings take me more than 2 or 3 days to get it done since i take so much time trying to make it perfect..
25th June 2015
the aot manga goes gets really boring and it's like the titans didn't exist i'm still going to read it until i find what's in the frigging basement
28th May 2015
okay can the "deez nuts" vine die already? jeez people at my school won't shut up about it
26th May 2015
the principle told everyone that if she catches people summoning charlie,they'll get suspended. a lot of people are doing this lol