dayton's moods
6th August 2014 making cpps it will be done in like a year need to edit rooms and get a host if you want to watch me make the the cpps and test play it go on the link I showed in the begin of the mood~
5th August 2014
~I said good-night not long ago about a hour ago and still didn't go to bed and is still on here~
5th August 2014
~I said good-night not long ago about a hour ago and still didn't go to bed and is still on her~
5th August 2014
~The world ends with sadness but you are in a better place where you can see people who you loved who passed over long ago or not so long ago~
5th August 2014
~The world ends with sadness but you are in a better place where you can see people who you loved who pasted over~