Harrypot9's moods
16th January 2014
Wait, it says Harry the blackhawk commited the crime. Does he mean me? Or somebody else?
16th January 2014
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY THIRD TIME TRYING TO REMAKE EPISODE SEVEN OF TD FORUMS!! THIS STUPID LAPTOP KEEPS DELETING THE STTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
16th January 2014
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY THIRD TIME REMAKING EPISODE SEVEN OF TD FORUMS
16th January 2014
Got out of school early!! Some high schooler forgot to study for a test so he called a bomb. Then all of the s=high schoolers cme to my school (Elementary) When I was coming to gym from math, I saw a ton of high schoolers in the gym, fifteen minutes later the gym teacher tells me to drop all of my math stuff against the wall and follow him to a trailer. Everybody else from the grade was in the trailer. Abiut fifteen minutes later we get an nnouncement saying we're getting dismissed early. Abiut five minutes later they take us back to our class room and we find out our teacher isn't there. A bunch of dramatic kids started crying, but the teacher was just getting highscoolers onto busses. About ten minutes later the teacher comes back and later takes us to the church.. My parents were at work and my mom work's until 11:30 at night. Everybody from my school was at the church. Llike an hour later some of the staff come and tell me I'm free to go. I found my sister and then my dad and walked home (I was one of the first people to leave! That's my day in a minute!
12th January 2014
Hi guys, I know a lot of people have been doing this and it looks pretty fun! So I decided to make one of my own, the first three people to reply are a team and the last three to reply are a team! 1.Freddy2462 2. GoldenKey 3. Littlemix _________ 4. 5. 6
12th January 2014
I disliked one of Freddies posts because he double posted and hes going crazy...
12th January 2014
Whenever I try to login to PI it says Name or Password incorrect!!! Its definitely correct1!!!1