frozo's moods
29th February 2016
i wish summer vacation was every single day for the rest of the world's existence
27th February 2016
Hello users! My name is Bakon and this is my about me FIRST STEPS INTO OLDCP It all Started of at the age of 15 when Version 4 of The Oldcp Franchise took afoot. I, A humble user called Frodo907, entered the world of The Oldcp Game. I didn't know what was going on in this time as I just begun, but a kind user called Freddy showed me how to get Items. I was thrilled with this knowing I have joined such a nice community with great people and I thought; will I get any further than a user? The first user I actually properly met was Old speed. We gave each other credits and had a great time. But this is where it gets better THE BEST TIMES Ah, I felt great. I was hanging with my best friends on Oldcp when I saw this odd user with a blue NC and had a title, Moderator. I knew everyone had titles including myself by winning a credit comp with 1000 credits was the prize. I asked this person, Why is your title moderator? This person told me about moderating and I suddenly got the mood to try earn moderator, Which I did! You'll learn about that next. I had everything I needed. Title, Nc, and many more. I kindly gave a user 500 Credits so they can get some extras and I got trusted by so many users. V7- MOD AND DET V7 was a new beginning for me, The thrones happened which was great making the empire. I loved it. Me and my best friend, Toby, where strolling oldcp when Toby got a Skype call about this rover person. (I was on IWUVBAKON) I knew who rover was as I was involved in lots of crimezone cases ( like the gwin one and the pieguy one) Crimezone was great back then but sadly I wasn't det until now. Me and Toby went to go see Rover but then rover pulled out her gun and shot Toby. I fled the area then meeting this Person called Nicholas Angel. We talked for a while and made me, IWUVBAKON, a de. We did this awesome mission to stop rover but sadly Nicholas turned against us. Now onto the mod part, I entered the V7 mod comp as a proud FH member, we fought till the end and I got Royal Wise One in v7 Which was awesome. Me, Bailey and Key123 won the competition together and I was now Det Wise Mod. SNAILDOM- DET SGT The new areas of Snaildom happened and I'll make this one short. I was promoted to Det Sgt in Snaildom Now you know about my Oldcp Life (P.S) MICKEY SLAYER RIGHT HERE Real Life I am 16 years old I have a cat called Klaus I was born in Germany My real name is Alex I at the moment live in Manchester I am brown haired and a man united fan Sorry if it's a bit long! Thank's for reading Bakon
26th February 2016
wondering why saying a cuss abbreviation is inappropriate but someone can log in with the username 4pothead20 or talk about how stoned they are and go unacknowledged o
26th February 2016
was going through my old snaildom friends and found "frozo is thirsty" omg
26th February 2016
OKAY DUMBASSES Kilo G kilo gaffer kiloger kilogram Kilographic kiloguyin kilohana Kilohertz kilokasai kilolanmetry kilolo Kilo Lobo KiloLol kilololipops Kiloman Kilomatic kiloMcFly kilomerit kilometer Kilometerage kilometer high club Kilometer Peter kilometre kilonazi
21st February 2016