avax's moods
18th June 2014
I really don't think it's fair that the 'player of the day' are users who haven't been on in forever..
16th June 2014
Question..Did Luke (Four) hack? He has over 100,000 views and we don't have 100,000 users and Damen has the most views which is very weird..
31st May 2014
Heh, i am getting the strangest ads. One is about funerals and the other one is about what i buy on amazon o.e
27th May 2014
Hey, everyone who is making posts about Maggie are just plain rude. Okay, Maggie probably made a mistake, but It wasn't her fault. I honestly don't know what happened, but 2 people made posts about her saying bad things. Guys, cut her some slack. She's only 8. What if someone made a post of you saying bad things? Then, the comments hate you. No one likes that, so why do it to her?! Please, stop doing that.
16th May 2014
Minecraft is awesome, especially if it is modded http://prntscr.com/3jv67q