Juicebox's moods
23rd March 2014
And you thought you knew a couple /Jrs? http://forums.damenspike.com/view/12410-/
22nd March 2014
Is it possible to have a very late night mod? Preferably one that lives in Mst, Pst, Askt or Hst. Late nights like tonight always end up ruined by some lunatic.
9th March 2014
Really confused. How in the world will the final task choose a worthy mod, let alone a mod at all?
5th March 2014
Almost all mod applications are they same. The only thing that's changing is the person's name.
4th March 2014
I don't see why people include their age on their applications; it shouldn't matter if they're 5 or 50; a qualified person is a qualified person.