Fries's moods
27th February 2015
You guys know that Blue or black, gold or white dress? hears the trick change the lighting in ur room, first i saw gold and white then after i changed the ligh and it was blue and black!!!!! lol
5th February 2015
Well, bye everyone i won't be playing for a while cause of my mom... she told me too grown up and told me i can't play... so ya
5th February 2015
Hmm.. My mom saw me playing this game, and she's like GROW UP! and that this is a stupid game, she said stop playing it... what should i do??
2nd February 2015
Sorry, i have been really inactive, i'll visit once in a while, i just have too much stuff to do for school.
25th January 2015
I think my iphone is broken. I keep on pressing the home button, but i'm still at school .-.
23rd January 2015
Wow, i actually feel really stupid of giving up my Wise... it's jst i thought there could be a chanceof being a mod, but that was stupid, that's never gonne happen /color]